What’s the connection between freshness and commonwealth? Where I live is a commonwealth, one of four in the country–Kentucky, Pennsylvania,…
Visiting a small and unfamiliar city at the terminus of a rail trail became an engendering occasion as I ate…
When is work, not work? Consider the second chapter of the book of Genesis. There’s the work of making the…
This morning, I woke with a question: what need does Worth Wanting meet, and what urgency? Freshness is not driven…
Read this morning the tragic story of the suicide of the ER doctor, overwhelmed by our Covid catastrophe. Heart-wrenching. And…
The transcendent, a concept perplexing and provocative. I’ve referred to it several times in my posts. Why don’t I say…
In order to change the world, we have to revise our evaluation of what’s worth wanting. To do this, we…
My sceptical and dismissive self says: Okay, you say each encounter has a ‘fresh future forever’. That’s great–for it. But…
Are you serious, Peter? Do you really mean all my encounters outlast my life, the life of this nation, even…
My first post was an easy one: bird calls. The experience has glamour written all over it. Something to remark…