About the bout

We may feel that we are locked in an apocalyptic battle for the future, a titanic struggle of good versus evil with the outcome in the balance, and that the only resources we have to draw upon for victory or even survival are simply the natural finite supplies of resolve, creativity and luck we find in or around us. We may feel weary and despairing as new monsters arise roaring out of the bodies of those we have just strained mightily to dispatch.  

But two things: First, good, read freshness, is not fighting to survive. Dramatic boxing ring stories with knockout punches and ten-counts may apply in the mundane realm, but they don’t in the transcendent where freshness is ever active wooing us to and meeting us in encounters, each one of which has a fresh future forever.

Every encounter that occurs, whenever, wherever and with whomever, is a win: the creation of an imperishable unit of value

Second, the resources of the transcendent realm show up in every encounter, and pour out into the mundane from there, and they are inexhaustible. In and through encounters we are refreshed and filled up with the vision and the vigor we need to keep returning to the mundane struggles we cannot and must not avoid.

Fight for good; wait for freshness.

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