Morning on the front porch. Notebook on my lap. Coffee mug on the table on my right.
Then, what’s this?, a small mantis, young, not yet green, but with all the moves, upside down, and okay with that, rocking back and forth on its back four legs, swiveling its little beaked hammerhead to nibble at something on one its ‘prayer’ legs, then it waiting, poised to jump. Suddenly I made some kind of move and its head in a flash turned toward me.
No, actually right to me. Whatever visual image entered those bulbous eyes at either end of its head and was processed into mantis-pertinent information, it was of me. This wasn’t a meeting of eyes such as we have with other humans, but I registered as a pinpointed entity in its awareness.
So quick it was in its movement, so precise in its pointing, so intent in its gaze, I felt really, really seen. On a lazy, breezy morning, head full of ideas, that was a bracing shock. Thank you.
What a great encounter. And you tell it so well. I can hear your voice throughout this!
To be recognized and noticed….what a joy like good wine to be savored,
I strive not to need this sensation and to breath through the pang o f knowing it has arisen again. I am loved forever and always. This is a faith statement< God delights in me from my first breath to my first dream and watches over me in the night. Still I can seek the physical rush oh awareness that others see or hear me, My heart races and my cheeks flush. Such fun.