Meeting freshness

An encounter we had:

  • That it was…at all.
  • That it was what it was: how relevant to the stream of urgencies in which it occurred; who or what the other/othernesses; what the stances; what the signs and expressions that spoke to the livingness of each, and the encounter itself.
  • That it was what is was for us: how resonant with our livingness going forward.

Opening to freshness

Our experiences encountering: the venturing forth, the risking and putting at risk, the soul-searching, the delighting in and the coming to enjoy.

Ourselves as encounterers: how often, how long for, what types of occasions and what degrees of daring (with others more or less resistant or insistent).

Encounters to come: yet-unencountered others, strategies of invitation, arrangements for availability.

Celebrating freshness

Celebration experience: What kind of experience was the celebration? How and where did it move in the play space? What were the takeaways?

Freshness experience differences: How was celebrating freshness in a group different from meeting freshness in an encounter with one or a few concrete others? What parts of us do these different experiences speak to?

Freshness appreciation: How does celebrating freshness change our appreciation of the actual, active potent presence of freshness in our lives and our worlds? What do we think now about freshness and mankind’s future?